Anytime you are hoping to host an outdoor event, you have a lot of different things to deal with. There are seating issues, darkness, weather concerns, and of course, bugs. Any of these things can cause outdoor events to immediately fail unless you plan ahead to deal with the issues. You can do this by encouraging people to bring their own chairs or blankets, having a generator for lights, having tents to ensure no one gets rained on, and planning for a bug free event by taking care of it before the guests arrive.

Why Plan Bug Control in Advance?

mosquito blocking clothesMost people do not like the idea of being bitten by insects because they are outside doing the things that they love doing. This means that they will not attend events if they have to worry about coming home with mosquito bites from head to toe. It is a very common issue in all the southern states, and each year, insect migration makes it even more of an issue for places that are further north. It isn’t just mosquitoes either. Many people also run from gnats because no one likes to feel their sting and Noseeums are not much fun because most people are not able to see them coming; they just feel the sting. This means, whether you are hosting a wedding, concert, auction, or yard sale; starting ahead of time to get rid of the bugs is going to help you keep people around longer.

Preventative Measures

outdoor night eventsAnyone who lives in the south knows that mosquitoes and gnats are around throughout the year. They have a tendency to mess up most every outdoor event that is planned. The good news is that there are a lot of things you can do to keep insects at bay. You can have the county drive their truck by the property to have them spray chemical repellents. Most counties, especially those in areas where mosquitoes are everywhere, have spraying trucks. If you spray shortly before the event, you will have fewer bugs bugging guests. Most counties are willing to do this for a small fee if they are making a special trip to your event location. You can also have mosquito traps, such as the propane mosquito magnets, sitting around the perimeter.

Other Easy Options

If you are outdoors and still feel that bugs may be an issue for your event, you still have options. Mosquito foggers that you can spray right before the event are a great option for larger events. If you are hosting smaller events with fewer people, you could also encourage them to consider wearing mosquito proof clothing seen here. This may not liven up their wardrobe, but insects will be a lot less likely to bother them, no matter how long they are standing outside at your events. Although it is not something that will work for large groups unless you can have everyone make the decision to try mosquito proof clothing, it can help the people who heed your advice. If you are hoping for your events success, you will be happy that you put in a little extra effort and planned ahead.