charity auctionsMost people do not enjoy giving something for nothing. This creates a unique challenge for people who want others to donate or give what they can to charity, whether it is money, items, or time. Therefore, many organizations are trying to come up with creative ways to get people involved. They are sighting in a plan to grow MFB and everyone is encouraged to join them.

Creative Encouragement

rafflesBecause of the fact that most people feel they cannot afford to simply give money away, there are organizations that try to give them something in return. These things may include silent auctions, raffles, and more. These things encourage people to give the money that they can and promise to provide them with something that they want in return. It is a great way to encourage people to give the most to food banks or other things. However, for it to work, the silent auctions, raffles, and giveaways must be something that people want to have.

Popular Items for Raffles and Auctions

There are numerous things that can be useful in encouraging people to participate in a raffle or a silent auction. Kids may encourage parents to give money to a raffle if there is a chance of them receiving a “free” bicycle. Adults are more interested in raffles if there is a chance they can get a big-ticket item such as a new car. Not all auctions and raffles have to be as extreme as a car. There are raffles that cater to hunters and they may give away the best backup flip up sights from LongRangeScopes to encourage them to participate. There are some prizes that are based on where the person lives. For instance, camping gear would not make a good raffle prize for people in New York City, but it would make a great prize for people who live in the west. The same could be said for skiing gear in a place that never gets warm vs people who live near a mountainous area. Which one do you think would make the most difference?

Encouraging Support for Local Charity

silent auction prizesThere are numerous reasons you want people to donate to food drives and other things within the community. There are also many reasons you will have to give a little to get a little from residents in most areas. Even if you are wanting to help families have a Christmas or a happy Thanksgiving, you will have to promise to the people you want to donate that they will also gain from putting forth the effort. Most people in the area that you are hoping to help may be struggling themselves. They may live paycheck to paycheck or have debts that they cannot afford to pay. Those people may feel that the tiny bit of help that they can provide isn’t going to be enough. Encourage them to take part in supporting local charities by participating in raffles that go toward a good cause or to spend time at a food bank to earn other prizes. If you do that, the people will find a way to get more actively involved.